Period covered by this operation update: 30 August - 22 September 2011.
Appeal target (current): This Emergency Appeal seeks CHF 3.49 million in cash, kind, or services to support the DPRK Red Cross National Society to assist 30,000 flood-affected people for 12 months, and will be completed by 31 August 2012. A Final Report will be made available by 30 November 2012.
Appeal coverage: 37 per cent; additional funds are urgently needed to meet the needs outlined in this appeal.
Appeal history:
This Emergency Appeal was initially launched on 16 August 2011 for CHF 3.49 million for 12 months to assist 30,000 beneficiaries.
Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF):
CHF 453,413 was initially allocated from the IFRC’s DREF to support the National Society to respond to this emergency.
A total of 6,876 emergency relief kits, including family hygiene kits and water purification tablets, were distributed to 29,933 affected people immediately after the disaster. The relief items were well-received as they protected displaced people from exposure to continued rain.
While the rainy season is over, however, many people still live under the remnants of their dwellings, often at risk of imminent collapse. Others salvaged some construction materials from the debris and repaired houses by themselves. However, as these houses are poorly designed and mud and sands are used as binding materials, the risk of collapsing remains the same as was before. Contaminated drinking water supply sources also continue to raise health concerns.
During the reporting period, an emergency health and hygiene promotion workshop and a disaster preparedness and relief workshop were organized in the affected areas, raising awareness among the communities on health, hygiene and disaster preparedness measures. A feasibility study has been completed in affected areas in working towards improving the water and sanitation situation.
The procurement process of food is underway, with offers received from some suppliers.The procurement process for shelter construction materials is also underway.
Considering the current appeal coverage and ever-increasing market price of construction materials, the DPRK Red Cross Society has reviewed the original target of supporting 1,000 families for shelter materials to about 500 families.