Period covered by this operation update: 24 September – 25 October 2011.
Appeal target (current): The Emergency Appeal sought CHF 3.49 million in cash, kind, or services to support the DPRK Red Cross National Society to assist 30,000 flood-affected people for 12 months, and will be completed by 31 August 2012. A Final Report will be made available by 30 November 2012.
Appeal coverage: 49%; additional funds are urgently needed to meet the needs outlined in this appeal.
Appeal history:
This Emergency Appeal was initially launched on 16 August 2011 for CHF 3.49 million for 12 months to assist 30,000 beneficiaries.
Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF): CHF 453,413 was initially allocated from the Federation’s DREF to support the national society to respond to this emergency.