This report covers the period January – December 2011
Programme(s) summary
The programmes supported by the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) are all streamlined with the strategic aims of the IFRC’s Strategy 2020:
Strategic aim 1: Save lives, protect livelihoods, and strengthen recovery from disasters
• Effective preparedness capacities for appropriate and timely response to disasters and crises
• Reduced deaths, losses, damage and other detrimental consequences of disasters and crises
Strategic aim 2: Enable healthy and safe living
• Better personal and community health, and more inclusive public health systems
• Reduced exposure and vulnerability to natural and man-made hazards
• Greater public adoption of environmentally sustainable living Strategic aim
3: Promote social inclusion and a culture of non-violence and peace
• Greater public support for the fundamental principles and reduced stigma and discrimination The IFRC supports the DPRK Red Cross Society (DPRK RCS) in four areas: health and care, water and sanitation, disaster management, and organizational development.
The provision of essential medicines to 2,030 clinics in four provinces remains a large component of IFRC support although a phasing-out policy has been introduced. The role of the ministry of public health (MoPH) to transfer this responsibility back to the government was emphasized, as discussions were held with the MoPH’s statistics task force to agree on a set of indicators to measure the impact of the essential medicine distribution programme. The implementation of the community-based health and first aid (CBHFA) programme has been successful in piloted areas and has increased the sense of ownership among the Red Cross branch people and community volunteers.
Within the water and sanitation programme, the ongoing construction of 19 water and sanitation systems will bring the total number of people supplied with clean drinking water in the past 10 years to over 600,000.